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stretch marks treatment with opus plasma

stretch marks treatment with opus plasma

Stretch marks, known medically as striae distensae, are a common skin condition that appear as lines or streaks on the skin. While they can affect anyone of any age or gender, they’re most common in women during and after pregnancy. Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched beyond its natural limits, resulting in tears in the dermis and a decrease in collagen production.

If you’re looking for an effective treatment for stretch marks, Opus Plasma lasers may be your solution. Opus Plasma laser therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses plasma energy to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen under the skin. This helps promote healthy tissue regeneration while reducing visibility of existing stretch marks.  The procedure is virtually painless and requires no downtime after treatment.

During the Opus Plasma laser therapy, a handheld device is used to deliver short pulses of plasma energy directly into the affected area. This energy penetrates deep beneath the skin’s surface to target and heat damaged tissue cells. This helps stimulate healthy new cell growth and promote collagen production. As the skin regenerates, collagen helps repair existing stretch marks while also preventing new ones from forming.

The results of Opus Plasma laser therapy depend on several factors, such as the extent of damage in the affected area and how well your body responds to treatment. On average, most people need at least 3-4 treatments for optimal results. After each session, you may experience some redness and swelling in the treated area, but this should subside within a few days.

If you’re considering Opus Plasma laser therapy for stretch marks, it’s important to consult with your doctor first to ensure that it’s the best treatment option for you. It’s also important to follow instructions from your doctor carefully and attend all follow-up appointments as recommended. With proper care and maintenance after each treatment session, you can help ensure seamless recovery and optimal results.

Overall, Opus Plasma laser therapy is a safe and effective way to reduce the visibility of existing stretch marks while preventing new ones from forming. Although results may vary depending on your individual needs and goals, most people experience satisfying results with this minimally invasive procedure.

Frequently asked questions

What is involved in an Opus Plasma laser treatment session?

During an Opus Plasma laser treatment session, a handheld device is used to deliver short pulses of plasma energy directly into the affected area. This helps stimulate healthy new cell growth and promote collagen production. Most people need at least 3-4 treatment sessions for optimal results.

Is this procedure painful?

The procedure is virtually painless and requires no downtime after treatment. You may experience some redness and swelling in the treated area, but this should subside within a few days.

How soon will I start seeing results from my Opus Plasma laser treatments?

Results can vary depending on the extent of damage in the affected area and how well your body responds to treatment. Generally, you should start noticing a reduction in the visibility of existing stretch marks within a few weeks after your first session. Optimal results are usually seen by 3-4 treatments.